SRC has 11 standing committees, which are an excellent opportunity for stewardship, as we commit ourselves and our gifts to God’s work. 
If you are interested in serving on any of the following committees, please contact the church office – or the committee chair directly (see below.) 

All Are Welcome. This “working group” functions across committees to help Stanton embody a more complete and inclusive model of Christian hospitality. We are particularly focused on four areas: our General Welcome, Welcoming All Ages, Welcoming All Abilities, and Welcoming All Family Structures. The team engages in study around these themes, and works through other committees and the Rebekah Pratt Legacy Fund to meet its goals. 

Buildings and Grounds. Oversee the maintenance of church building, tenant house, and parsonage
Oversee the needs of the property and grounds, ie: lawn mowing, ice and snow removal, parking lot maintenance, and landscaping. Plan and schedule church clean-up days. Interact with custodial staff to facilitate cleaning and maintenance. Envision improvements and updates to buildings and grounds as suits the ministry of the church. Chair coordinates with Garden Ministry for the creation and maintenance of park-like grounds and our “outdoor chapel” Memorial Garden. 

Communications. Ensure that the membership is apprised of events and happenings. Develop and assemble visitor’s information and greeting packet. Oversee development and maintenance of website (with secretary). Oversee development of church informational brochure. Provide and oversee intentional neighborhood outreach.

Congregational Nurture. Engage congregation in practices of Christian fellowship. Maintain contact with members at home and college students. Plan for fellowship hours and maintain supplies necessary. Plan for receptions after special services and programs (including funerals). Plan fellowship events for the year, ie: church picnic, progressive dinner, pizza dinners.

Christian Education. Engage congregation in practices of Christian discipleship. Choose curriculum for adult and children’s education with pastor. Provide teachers and helpers as needed for classes. Oversee Senior High and Middle School Youth Groups. Support and encourage teachers and youth group leaders, help facilitate their ministry. Oversee confirmation process with pastor. Provide nursery staff and support. Provide, review, and enforce child and youth safety policies.

Finance. Review financial records and reports produced by the treasurer and financial secretary. Assist in creating bi-monthly financial reports to consistory. Assist in creating annual financial reports to the congregation. Prepare the annual budget for the upcoming year (Jan-Dec). Appoint a stewardship point-person to facilitate an annual stewardship drive. Care for and maintain any special funds established by the church. Act as agent of the church in all business transactions and account holdings. Oversee and review financial record keeping practices. Facilitate an annual audit of all church finance records and practices. Maintain investments with a careful balance of growth and stability.

Mission and Outreach. Engage the congregation in acts of Christian mission. Research and provide opportunities for physical mission. Appoint liaison to each mission focus, ie: IHN, Giving Garden, Starfish, Re-Member, Habitat for Humanity, Crop Walk. Research and provide opportunities for financial mission, ie: Mission of the Month, church-supported missions. Collaborate with pastor to plan annual mission trip. Engage the congregation in acts of outreach.

Personnel and Nominations. Determine which offices of consistory need to be filled and pursue candidate recommendations from this committee, from consistory, and from the full congregation. Present a list of candidates to consistory no later than March. Present a slate of candidates to the congregation for approval no later than May. If a vacancy occurs within a consistory term, the committee shall submit candidates to the consistory, and the consistory shall appoint a new member from those candidates. Oversee church staffing needs, and ensure that needs are adequately met. Employ, evaluate, and oversee all staff positions. Create and negotiate employee job descriptions, contracts, and statements of call. Review the performance of each staff member annually, based on previously agreed upon goals and objectives. Two members shall meet with each staff member to discuss annual evaluation. Maintain confidential personnel files for each staff member, including goals and evaluations.

Stanton Learning Center. The Stanton Learning Center Board is empowered by, and reports to, the Stanton Reformed Church Consistory to oversee the operation of the Learning Center, a non-profit, Christian preschool that functions as part of Stanton’s mission to serve families. 

Stewardship. Assist pastor in selecting a scriptural theme for Stewardship. Create Stewardship program materials, letters, pledge cards, and thank-you notes. Facilitate a church fellowship feast and celebration. Determine a guest speaker for one Sunday and make necessary arrangements. Arrange necessary electronic means for pledging and donations. Plan quarterly stewardship “reminders” (preaching and communication). Facilitate testimonies from donors and recipients of missional value in giving.

Worship. Engage congregation in practice and acts of Christian worship. Review and oversee practices of communal worship together with the pastor, including sacraments. Utilize creative methods of worship planning and formation. Engage individuals throughout the congregation in worship leadership and participation. Shape the worship space utilizing creative and artistic elements. Engage and facilitate multi-sensory worship practices including music, visual art, written liturgy, drama, and dance. Arrange for lay leadership in worship in the pastor’s absence. Designate individuals to oversee ushers, flowers, acolytes, scripture readers, and preparation of the sacraments. Decorate the worship space with seasonally appropriate elements and remove elements as needed.

Special Committees. Appointed as needed by consistory. 


Chair (2023-2024)

All Are Welcome

Scott Barton

Buildings and Grounds

Nancy Arbelo


Drew Thomas

Congregational Nurture

Debbie Scheuermann & Parry Adam  

Christian Education

Camille Cerciello

Finance (Treasurer)

Scarlett Doyle (Jenny Wolters)

Mission and Outreach

Steve White

Personnel & Nominations

Melissa Berner

Stanton Learning Center

Melissa Berner


Ed Scheuermann


Kate Morris